Day 3: Today’s Reality vs. Tomorrow’s Potential

Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 3.05.57 PM“You have to put in the time. You have to put in the miles. It doesn’t matter how fast or how slow you run now. You might not be as fast as So and So…but you have to learn to separate today’s reality from tomorrow’s potential.”

This quote is from a book I borrowed from Amiee Glatfelter-Cords calledΒ The Lola Papers,Β about a girl in training to race a marathon. She’s ran one before, but now she wants to do better.

This part stood out to me because even though our goals may seem far off, they are attainable.Β Our dreams scare us because they hold in their hands two options: failure and success. Are you willing to take a chance?Β It’s not a question….it’s a dare.

Dream big then go out and put in the work to make it happen because those goals that–if we pursue them with all we’re worth–are attainable.

Lola’s coach’s advice, learning to separate today’s reality from tomorrow’s potential, holds true with each and every one of us. You have the potential to reach your goals, but to do good work tomorrow…you have to do good work today.

Maybe you’re not as fast as So and So right now. Maybe one day you will be…maybe not. Only time will tell, but in the meantime…you have some middle ground to conquer!

Day 3 exercises: Full Body – 2 rounds of 10

****Click here for how to videos****

  • Superman
  • Single Arm Reverse Lunge & Press
  • Single Arm Deadlift to Hop (no weight)
  • Mountain Climbers with Towel
  • High Plank – :45 (3X)

Plank Challenge Day 3: High Plank – The High Plank is just what it sounds. A plank in a high position with arms and body straight. This will test your arms, core, glutes, and leg strength. Hold on for :45 or as long as you can, take a break, the do it again. Three times total.

Bonus: Ab & Squat Challenge Day 3Β 

  • 5 Sit Ups
  • 20 Crunches
  • 35 Squats

Feel the Burn WorkoutExtra Credit: #FeelTheBurn

Wednesday is a great day to do a little more and cover some of that middle ground! Take a few extra minutes and tackle this #FeelTheBurn workout and tag your post to let us know you’re doing good work today to prepare for good work tomorrow!

Ready to tackle that middle ground? Let’s get to work and make this hump day count!